New Zealand

New Zealand

Friday, February 20, 2015

New Zealand (South Island) VS. USA

Here are my impressions so far on how similar/different these two countries are:

  • "Cheers" seems to be a universal word for hello, goodbye, and thank you. 
  • Stubbies are the super short rugby shorts that are popular here. We're talking bright and patterned southern frat boy short shorts.
  • Rugby is life here
  • Gumboots are rain boots
  • A NZ bbq consists of sausage on a piece of bread with coleslaw and "tomato sauce" (ketchup)
  • Futbol is not football
  • A lot of pumpkin is consumed here...but not in things. Just cooked on its own.
  • University and college are two completely separate things (college means high school!)
  • Biscuits refers to cookies
  • Makeup is SO EXPENSIVE. We're talking $40 lipsticks.
  • Cheese is crazy expensive, as is milk, as is berries, as is like all food
  • Lucky Charms and Poptarts have their honorary places on the International Foods aisle.
  • It's perfectly acceptable to walk around barefoot
  • Women never style their hair. It's either buns, ponytails, braids, or all natural and down
  • Same with makeup, little to no makeup is worn here
  • Kinder eggs are legal here
  • Pre-loading in New Zealand is the equivalent of pre-gaming in the U.S.
  • Drinking age is 18+, and it's about $5-$10 NZ dollars for a drink at the bar (~$3.50-$7.50)
  • Everyone is a solid two years behind on music
  • And a solid 20 years behind on clothing
  • L&P is their primary soft drink. It's lemony goodness and much better than our soda
  • There's a lot of Speights pride here (South Island beer)
  • "How did you find it?" = "How was it"
  • Papers are another word for classes
  • Jandals are what all sandals are called
  • Shorts and rain boots.
  • People here drink from 5:30pm-9pm, get super hammered, and are in bed around midnight
  • Landscape is pretty much a perfect mix of Washington and Colorado
  • Buildings are pretty much the same you'd see in the States
  • BOYS HYGIENE HERE IS HORRIBLE. I can tell who is a native and who's not just based on whether or not they're wearing deodorant.
  • Apparently this is like a hole in the ozone or something, but the sun is SO INTENSE HERE
  • You can swear/drink/be dumb in front of faculty and it's totally normal (as long as you stay respectful of the school)
  • Most NZ cities/hot spots have Maori names and are therefore unpronounceable 
  • Maori culture in New Zealand is like the Native American reservations back home, but they are more integrated into the society. The whole island is their reservation, not just a small area!
So far I love New Zealand. Their culture isn't so much like a different country, it feels more like a different state. New Orleans was definitely more of a culture shock then New Zealand!

Okay and here are some funny questions I've been asked/get asked a lot:

  • "Where are you from?" "Washington state." "No way, have you met the president?!"
  • "How old are you guys?" "20 and 21." "Why are you still in university?" (They only go three years, like 18-20 or something like that)
  • "We have this really good American store but they are SUPER expensive. Yeah, they sell marshmallow creme. You guys have the best food!"
  • "You're American." "Yes..." "Are you from Colorado?" (There's 25 of us here from CSU! People keep running into us I guess...)
  • "Can you name the 5 most recent presidents?" (These people know more about U.S. history then I do...)
  • "Americans are really into Lorde, right? We don't like Lorde."
  • "I'm known as the American hustler. There were these California girls my first year..."
It's pretty funny some of the stuff I hear. For the most part people here are really friendly and a lot like the Americans back home! Can't wait for the next few months <3

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